Tuesday, December 13, 2011

आणि अचानक स्टेशन आले...

                  हा खूपच मजेदार प्रसंग आहे, हा प्रसंग आम्ही अमृतसर  वरून दिल्ली ला येताना चा आहे, माझे मित्र म्हणजे चांग, पवन, युवराज आणि सुनील, सुभाष सर्व जण अमृतसर वरून दिल्लीला येत होते, आणि त्यांना चंडीगड फिरायचे होते म्हणून त्यांनी अंबाला केंट पर्यंतचे तिकीट घेतले होते आणि ते अंबालाला उतरणार होते पण त्यांना गाडी अंबालाला कधी पोहोचते ती वेळ नक्की माहित नव्हती आणि त्यांच्या मते अंबाला सकाळी पाहते ५.०० वाजता येणार आहे. त्यांनी हरीकुंद एक्स्प्रेस चे तिकीट घेतले होते जी अमृतसर वरून रात्री ११.४५ ला सुटते, आणि दिवसभर अमृतसर मध्ये फिरल्यामुळे सर्वजण थकलेले होते, त्यात हि रात्रीची ट्रेन, त्यांचा एकाच बेत ठरला होतो कि ट्रेन मध्ये जाऊन निवांत झोपायचे आणि सकाळी ५.०० वाजता उठायचे. ट्रेन मध्ये बसल्या नंतर सर्व तिकीट  चेकिंग  वगेरे सोपस्कार पार पडल्या नंतर सर्वांनी आपापले पाथरे मांडायला सुरवात केली, त्यात सर्वात आघाडीवर सुभाष होता, त्याच्या मागोमाग चांग, पवन मात्र सुनील आणि युवराज मध्ये अजून गप्पा मारण्याची ताकद होती. ते आपले सर्व दिवसा घडलेल्या घडामोडींची चर्चा करत होते, कि चांगच्या ओळखीच्या घरी कसे पराठे छान मिळाले, त्यांच्या आदरआथीत्याचे गोडवे गाणे चालू होते आणि मधीच सकाळ पासून काढलेले फोटो हि पाहणे चालू होते,
                 "अरे लाईट बंद करा आणि झोप आता मला झोप आली आहे, " आणि कॅमेऱ्यातील सेल डाऊन होतील,"
                  असे सुभाषचे शब्द कानावर पडले, त्यांनी त्याकडे जास्त लक्ष न देता
                  "तू झोप रे, आम्ही झोपतो"
                  असे तुटक उत्तर देत आपले बोलणे चालू ठेवले, इकडे चांग चे घोरासुराचे आख्यान चालू झाले होते, आणि पवन मधून मधून या दोघांना साथदेत होता,
               बर सुभाषला झोपे बद्दल विशेष तयारी करावी लागते हे सांगायचे राहूनच गेले, आता IIT होस्टेल मध्ये राहण्या ची सवय त्यात एकट्याची रूम मग काय कसे हि झोप कोण येत आहे बघायला, आता तुम्ही समजून गेलाच असाल कि त्याला जास्त कपडे न घालता झोपायची सवय आणि त्यात ट्रेन मधील सर्व  कॉम्परटमेंट यांच्या कडे त्यामुळे तसे विरोध करणारे कोणी हि नाही, आणि विरोध केला जरी तरी जास्त ऐकून घेण्याची सवय आम्हला नाही,
                " अरे सकळी किती वाजता गाडी पोहचते रे ते पहिला आहे का ?"
                 सुभाष वरून, सुनील तू झोप रे ५.०० वाजता पोहचते उठवीन तुला, "रात्रीचा एक वाजला आहे झोपरे आता आणि मला झोपुद्यात" सुभाष  "सुनील बर बर झोपतो बाबा, आणि ते दोघे हि झोपले,
      सुनीलला तशी लवकर उठण्याची सवय असल्याने त्याच्यावर सर्वाना उठवायची जवाबदारी होती, सुनीलला सकाळी ४.०० वाजता जाग आली तसे ट्रेन थांबल्यामुळे त्याला जंग आली होती म्हणून त्याने उठून जरा स्टेशन वर बाहेर पडला, स्टेशन वर डोळे चोळत चोळत चहा पिला आणि पाहतो तर काय अंबाला स्टेशन, आणि लगेच पळत जाऊन त्याने श्रावण उठवले अरे उठा उठा अंबाला आले आहे पटकन उठा, आणि ते सर्वजण हातात मिळेल ते घेऊन पळत स्टेशन वर आले,
            " अरे माझे शूज घेतलेस का ?? " पवन.  यावर सुनील चे उत्तर आले "अरे एक माझ्याकडे आणि एक युवाराज कडे आहे बघ"
             " अरे माझी शाल आताच राहिली वाटते,"  सुभाष यावर पवन म्हणाला "अरे हि काय आहे माझ्या हातात आहे" आणि यासर्व गोष्टींची शहा-निशा  चालू होती...
             " आणि यातच कोणाचे तरी सुभाष कडे लक्ष गेले आणि पहिले तर सुभाष गडबडीत कपडे घालायचा विसरला होता आणि फक्त चड्डी आणि बनियन वर अम्बला स्टेशन वर उतरला होता आणि सर्वजण बराच वेळ हस्त राहिले...
       मीही हा ब्लॉग सकाळी  ३.०० वाजता चेन्नई ऐर-पोर्ट वर कम्प्लीट केला आहे, चान टाइम पास झाला बोर्डिंग होस तो पर्यंत .... :)

वी सु. :  यातील सर्व वर्णन आणि स्वभाव तंतो - तंत नाही तरी वाचणार्यांच्या मनोरंजन सठी बनवलेले आहे परंतु प्रसंग मात्र खरा आहे....

Monday, November 14, 2011

फेसबुक स्टेटस अपडेट हे एक नवीन फॅड झालेले आहे. मी म्हणेन याची मुळे त्या फेसबुक च्या शोधतच सापडतील, आहो सापडतील कुठली तेथेच आहेत म्हणाना. आता हेच पहा कोण्या त्या मार्क झुकेन्बर्गने  फेसबुक प्रणाली त्याच्या हारवलेल्य प्रेयसीला शोधण्यासाठी लिहिली असे म्हणतात इति गुगल उगाच लोकांचा कॉपीराइट वगेरे नको संदर्भ दिलेला बरा, आणि हो माझा स्वतःचा एकहि शब्द नाही हो यात हेहि तितकेच म्हत्वाचे वाद वगेरे झाले तर मी लिहिले म्हणून नको, बर असो  आपण फेबु. च्या शोध बद्दल बोलत होतो त्यानेहि कदाचित लगेचच स्टेटस अपडेट करून सांगितले असेल कि, 

         In search of ....Ms . XXXX XXXX

        बर पण मी पुढे जाऊन त्याला ती मिळाली कि नाही याबद्दल शोधण्याचा प्रयत्न केला परंतु याचा उल्लेख मात्र गुगल वरही कोठे नाही, परंतू लोकांना आपल्या प्रेमाची प्रचीती जाहीरपणे फेबु. वर करायला काय आनंद होतो काय सांगावे, आता फेबु. हे हा**ल्या पा**ल्या गोष्टी करण्याचे ठिकाण झाले आहे, आणि तुम्हाला फेबु. वापरायला येत नाही म्हणजे तुम्ही मागास आहात तर फेबु. सर्वात जास्त मित्र किंवा मैत्रिणी असणे म्हणजे आती उच्च कोटी चे असे काहीसे झाले आहे. फेबु. चांगले कि वाईट हा एक वादाचा मुद्दा होईल आणि तो वाद संपणार नाही त्या पेक्षा आपण विषयाला हात घातलेला बरा कसे...
       बर... माझे स्वतःचे फेबु. चे अकौंट नाही आसे नाही त्यातूनच मला हा नवा विषय मिळाला. काही दिवसांपूर्वी मी माझ्या फेबु. वर मित्रांशी गप्पा मारत बसलो होतो आणि मला नेहमी सारखे नोटीफीकेशन आले मी सहजच पाहीले तर माझ्या एका जुन्या मैत्रिणीचे ते स्टेटस अपडेट बद्दलचे नोटीफीकेशन होते, साहजिकच मी उत्सुकतेपोटी तिच्या पेज वर जाऊन पाहीले तर अपडेट असे होते.... 

         The last 7 days are best day of my life in Simla....

           नुकतेच लग्न झाले होते तिचे तर ती लग्ना नंतर फिरायला (मधुचंद्रासाठी) गेली होती शिमल्याला पण मला समजत नाही आता तिथे गेल्या नंतर दिवस कसे बेस्ट असतील बरे बेस्ट तर रात्री असल्या पाहिजेत.... पण तसे स्टेटस प्रशस्थ दिसत नाहीना...    माझ्या बुद्धीला मात्र असे वाटले कदाचित त्यांना (म्हणजे तिला आणि तिच्या पतीला) दिवस आणि रात्र यातला फरकच समजला  नसेल म्हणून तिने हे स्टेटस अपडेट केले असावे...... आता तुम्ही तुमचे वाईट विचार जरा बाजूला ठेवा आणि मी कश्या अर्थाने म्हणत आहे ते ऐका... "ते असे झाले असेल कि ते इतके फिरत असतील कि रात्रीही दिवसा प्रमाणे खरेदि साठी फिरले असतील, कारण या बाइसाहेबना दुसरीकडे कोठे स्वर्ग दिसणे जास्त  एक जास्त आवड आहे त्यामुळे बाकीचे सर्व जिथल्या तिथेच राहून गेले असेल"  असो पण तिचा पती माझ्या परिचयाचा नसल्याने त्याचे स्टेटस किंवा विचार माझ्या पर्यंत पोहोचू शकले नाहीत तर त्यामुळे हे अर्ध सत्यच पूर्ण मानावे लागेल.... असो हे ताणण्यात काही अर्थ नाही.
        फेबु. स्टेटस अपडेट बद्दल एक नवा किस्सा अगदी परवा परवाच घडला किंवा माझ्या नजरेत आला एका कोणी मुलीने तिच्या नवीन रिलेशन बद्दल काहीसा असा अपडेट केला होता कि
      "This was the best day of my life he proposed me..... :)"

खाली काही कमेंट्स आल्या होत्या त्या वाचून जरा गम्मतच वाटली....

     "Love you baby....thanx but when should I expect Yes from you...???"

     "Or update on facebook can be the Yes"

पुढची कमेंट तिची होती "ए कोण तू तुझ्या बद्दल नाही लिहिलेले... तो माझा मित्र आहे तू कोण मध्ये आला... आधी मी ती कमेंट डीलीट करत आहे.. सॉरी"

     आता या मध्ये तिने अशीच कमेंट डीलीट केली असती तर कळलेच नसते कोणाला पण नाही... अगदी दोन दिवस कमेंट तशीच ठेऊन डीलीट करण्यात काय अर्थ होता कोणास ठाऊक... पण आपल्याला किती कमेंट येतात आणि किती आपण फेमस आहोत हे दाखविण्याचा एक मार्ग आहे... असो ...

    आता स्टेटस अपडेटचा खरा अर्थ काय आहे कोणास ठाऊक कि कश्यासाठी ते स्टेटस अपडेट करायचे कारण काय त्याचे मजा म्हणून कि आज मला काय वाटत आहे ते सांगण्यासाठी कि मला आठवलेली गाण्याची ओळ लिहिण्यासाठी कि मित्र-मैत्रिणींना काही संदेश देण्यासाठी का या सर्वांसाठी कोणास ठाऊक ज्याला जे जसे उमजले ते तो तसे करतो...

       या वरून आठवले कोणी एका नव-गायकाने त्याचं फेबु. वर लिहिले होते

    "प्रिया आज आले मैफिलीत माझ्या...." आता या सो-कॉल्ड खूपच किस्से मी ऐकून होतो कि या माणसाचे गाणे ऐकावे यासाठी हा माणूस पकडून पकडून लोक जमा करतो जसे नवा-कवींचे होते कि नाही कि कविता वाचावी म्हणू किंवा ऐकावी म्हणून पकडून लोकांना जमा करतात तसेच काही से....
मला या तर नव-कवींचा जरा जास्तच भीती वाटते कोणी एक संस्कृत नव कवी बद्दल मला आठवते महाराज शाळेत असल्या पासूनच कवी वगेरे झाले होते काही कविता खूप छान असायच्या पण काही मात्र अगदीच बाळबोध असायच्या, महाराजांनी अभियांत्रिकी मध्ये यायचा प्रयत्न केला पण गाडी घसरायला लागल्या नंतर मात्र कला क्षेत्रात उडी मारली, महाराजांचा पिंडच तो तिकडेच  वळणार पाणी... ते जाऊदेत पण या गायक बद्दल बोलत होतो आणि हा काय म्हणत होता प्रिया आज आले मैफिलीत माझ्या... आहो पण यांच्या मैफिलीत कोण येणार हा  गायला लागल्यानंतर हे एक कोडेच आहे काही पशु आले नाहीत तरच बरे ...
    बर त्यात मुलींची प्रोफाईल असली कि मात्र या कमेंट्स न उत येतो.... जरा कोठे मुलगी शिंकली कि नको त्या काळजीच्या कमेंट्स चालूच... काल-परवाच एक जोक वाचला होता एकीकडे मुलीची प्रोफाईल होती आणि चित्रात एका बाजूला मुलाची मुलेने तिचे स्टेटस अपडेट केले होते कि "Not feeling well...."  त्याला काहीशे लाईक आणि पन्नास-साठ कमेंट्स उगाच वाटणाऱ्या काळजीच्या, "अमुक तमुक डॉक्टरांकडे जाऊन ये बरे वाटेल चांगले औषधे देतात " अजून एक असेच काही सागणाऱ्या कमेंट्स  बर दुसऱ्या चित्रात मुलाने स्टेटस अपडेट केले होते कि "Topper in IIT Exam..." आता याला किती कोमेंट्स अपेक्षित आहेत? नाही नाही काही शे किंवा काही हजार वगेरे नाही हाताच्या बोटावर मोजण्या इतक्या फक्त २ आणि १०-१२ likes आणि हो हि खरीच परिथिती आहे, बर अश्या गोष्टी बद्दल स्टेटस असावे कि नाही याबद्दल बरेच वाद होउ शकतात.... आणि तो आपला विषय हि नाही...
    फेबु स्टेटस उपडेत चा कहर म्हणजे खालील काही उदा .
             Enjoying bhel-puri with frnds..
             Enjoying amuk tamuk chi pav bhaji....
             Enjoying bhel-puri with frnds.....
             किंवा तमुक करत आहे, अमुक खात आहे.. बस मध्ये... ट्रेन मध्ये...वगेरे  वगेरे....
किंवा त्यापुढे जाऊन,
   :), :(, त्याच्याही पुढे जाऊन :'( रडणे , किंव ;) डोळा मारणे , :P  तोंड वाकडे दाखवणे  आणि :D  जोर-जोरात हसणे... यापैकी एक असतो, आता यातून काय कळणार... बर ते जेव्हा लिहिले तेव्हा ची परिस्थिती आणि ते जेव्हा वाचले मित्रांनी तेव्हाची परीस्थिती वेगळी असल्याने नक्कीच त्यावर काही विधान करावे किंवा like करावे हा एक प्रश्नच आहे...
      यातूनच एक नवीन भाषा उडायला आली आहे.... ते जर तुट नसेल तर तुम्ही मागास... जसे lol, asl plz, ttyl, yup, k, वगेरे वगेरे अनेक नवीन शब्द भाषेला बहाल झालेले आहेत आणि मझ्या माहिती नुसार काही शब्दांना तर Oxford शब्दकोशात हि मान्यता मिळाली आहे..तर असे म्हणणे कि भाषा दिवसेंदिवस गरीब होत आहेत हे मला जर चुकीचे वाटते जसे जुने शब्द आणि जुने वाक्यप्रयोग कालावश होतात त्याप्रमणे काही नवीनही येतात आणि जुने शब्द पूर्ण भाषेतून जात नाहीत परंतु active मधून passive होतात....
         त्यातून माझ्या काही अजून  स्टेटस नजरेत आले आहेत   खाली आहेत...
         Says "When life gives YOU lemons you can make lemonade all you want, but when life gives ME lemons Im going to make grape juice and you'll wonder how i did it!"
         u r reading my status!
         ...wonders if woodpeckers get headaches?.
         I'm not weird...
      काय म्हणावे हे मात्र काळत नाही, सुतार-पक्षाचे डोके दुखत असेल कि नसेल याची  इथे गरज काय? किंवा वाचण्या साठी लिहिलेल्या गोष्टित लिहिले असेल कि u r reading my status... तर लिहिण्याचे कष्ट कश्यासाठी?

    पूर्वी फोन असणे हे एक प्रतिष्ठेचे  लक्षण मानले जाई आज तीच गोष्ट फारच सधारण झाली आहे, यासाठी ६० च्या दशकतील गाणे "मेरे पिया गये रंगून किया है वाहसे टेलिफोन...पिया कि याद सताती है...." ते शेवटचे म्हणजे ९० चे दशक यावे लागले.... परंतु फेबु मात्र १-२ वर्षातच खूप प्रसिद्ध झाले...बर आजकाल फोन वरील संभाषणे म्हणजे निव्वळ वाद आणि फेबु स्टेटस म्हणजे त्यातुन आलेली निराशा जगा समोर ठेवण्यची जागा झालेली आहे,
    "I am very Sad....", "Feeling lonely...", "lost....", "had very long day...", "true frnds are hard to find...", "no one understands me...." या भावना पूर्वी नव्हत्या काय? मग त्यावेळी त्या मोठ्या फलकांवर रस्त्या-रस्त्यात आणि चौका-चौकात लावायला पाहिजे होत्या... वर छायाचित्र आणि खाली त्यांच्या भावना... प्रत्येक दिवशी फोटो खाली नवीन भावना, बर त्यावेळी like कदाचित घराची बेल वाजवुन  आणि commet.... घरी पत्र पाठवून केले असते...कदाचित जर पूर्वी फेबु असते तर असेच काहिसे असायला पाहिजे.... आजकाल फेबु मुले internet providers  ची चलती आहे त्यावेळी पोस्टाचा फायदा झाला असता... कदाचित तत्काली लोकांची विचार क्षमता तितकी विकसित नसावी...किंवा त्यावेळी या अश्या कृत्रिम गोष्टींची गरज कमी असावी, आणि माणसांची जास्त ओढ असावी. कारण आज तसे पहिले तर खरे मित्र या फेबु वरील मित्रांन पेक्षा कमीच असतात आणि जर अंतर ठेवूनच असतात...  

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Return journey to home from Delhi

It was 28th June 2011, we three were discussing about Tatkal ticket of 1sst July, train from Delhi to Pune, Miraj or last option was Mumbai, in Rohan’s room A-67 at Aravali hostel IIT Delhi, So we must  have to  book the train on 29th of June .  Oh..! I forget to tell you who are three?  One is Rohan as you know already, other is Amol who cancelled the3AC train ticket form Delhi to Miraj (Up to His hometown) to come with us, and the last one is I, Rahul.
Our  last presentation was completed  on 22nd June 2011 but as our Prof. i.e. mine and Rohan’s Prof. Anupam Dewan wanted Journal and Conference paper from us we had to stop for next week atleast. Rohan also had train ticket but on special request of our guide he had to cancel that ticket. My joining date was 1st July 2011 so I may had to board at delhi itself for Chennai so I didn’t booked the any ticket. So, here all things start.
As the day to leave Delhi was coming closer we need to do all No-dues, returning the I-Cards like exit activities so we planned it and started doing needful, Rohan had Desktop and we both had laptop so he had to get exit pass for the same as our institute procedure. All activities were going as per plan. We packed almost all remaining things, left after sending by Safe –Express courier service.   Day by day guys were leaving IIT, so there was plan to have a group photo session, but that was happen at late night. On that day our all sentiments are coming out so we took our photo at every place of the IIT, like in-front closed guides cabin, in front of the Applied mechanics department board, at library, at our very favorite coffee shop and many more places, All were thinking to more and more time but only we three (to be precise only two Amol and Rohan ) were worrying about time we were spending because we had to get up early in the morning to book our tickets. and we left the academic area at night 3.23 AM, I remember very well because Rohan asked me about time last time.
Ahh…I forgot to tell you what we were discussing and how foolproof plan we were making. So we were discussing how to book the tickets in this very heavy rush season as the schools and colleges were about to begin so most of people were travelling so it’s very difficult to get the tickets and the Tatkal tickets are always Cat and Mice race so who get the ticket will win the race. We made a plan like Amol will try for 3AC tickets for Sampark Kranti express, Rohan will try for the Sleeper’s tickets for Sampark kranti express, and I will try for Goa Sleepers primarily and If not then any Train to Mumbai, but there was problem that if we all three book the tickets that can’t be canceled.
“We will come online face book or skype and if somebody reached at banking screen then He’ll say stop there.” said by Amol
This plan was really not working as if you deviate by few seconds you may not get the tickets so that plan was dropped by  Rohan saying.                         
“Anna facebook ani Skype chya nadat ithech rahave lagel.”
“Are baki kahi nahi pan just apan Stop type karyache kinva Skype var stop oradayache” Amol supporting his plan
“Are tyapeksha apan conference call karuya ka ?”  My idea.
“Mala mahit nahi ki mazya phone la ti facility aahe ki nahi “  Rohan
“Are Amol mala call karel ani me tula” I to Rohan
So that plan was fixed that Amol gonna call me and I will call Rohan.
“Pan ordu naka kinva gondhal karu naka phone var nahitar sagala gondhal vhayacha”  Rohan
So that was final, the one who will reach at the bank payment screen will say stop and will stop rest of all, but priority will be as 1st Amol, 2nd Rohan and 3rd Rahul as I was mainly booking for the Mumbai.  That was our foolproof plan. We thought for Plan A, Plan B and Plan C but we never thought if all three plan didn’t worked and that was the fool thing in foolproof plan.
As per we decided we woke up at 7.00 AM exactly even we slept at around 4.00 AM and I switched on my laptop and opened FireFox…. Shitt…. Net was not working... that really a leak in our so called foolproof plan, and I got call from the Amol hay net was not working and subsequently by Rohan. Then Amol called me said that I am going to institute for wi-fi connection as lan was not working. We went to check if wi-fi was working. We went to wind tunnel, (without taking bath first time in institute), but our bad luck follows there also wi-fi was not working too, and again next problem. Next what should we do?  I called my two friends and Priya as she was in Nagpur.  It was almost 7.55 AM. And we had to be hurry to have the tickets, and the Priya’s internet connection was not working with her desktop. The next problem in our so called foolproof plan, and it was almost 8.05 AM now and we left all hopes to getting tickets, and Priya could not even connect to the laptop.
“Rahul are laptopla suddha net connect hot nahi aahe kay karu?” by  Priya.
“Priya tu proxy setting change kele ka?” ani  lan setting automatic keles ka?” Mi Vicharale.
Priya “Nahi re…”
Mi “Bar thik aahe ata change karun net connect hot aahe ka te check kar, a Priya pan tu modem laptop var install kele aahes kay??”
Priya “Ho re… Mi laptop var net vaparate”.
That was the only best part of it that Priya has modem drivers installed on it.
And on net has got connected on laptop...but site was not working shitt not again…
Mean while I called two of my friends for same purpose but on the same day TATA photon didn’t have range and Reliance couldn’t got connected so all bull shit thing were stopping us from leaving Delhi.  It was 8.25 AM. We haven’t had single ray of hope that we could board train on the 1st of July. Priya called me Rahul the Sampark kranti is showing waiting, so no question of the Goa Express. I asked her for the Mumbai train and only one train with AC chair car was there Garib Rath and I asked her to book the train, but she didn’t have the balance in her account so I gave her my E-Banking password to make the transaction.  She gave me password for her IRCTC account and I took the print out of the ticket. Its almost done only thing is that we need to go by Sitting AC chair car for 16 hrs up to Mumbai. And that might be the best trip if we had travelled actually, but next fun was waiting for us to make our trip more than the best.  
We were very happy that actual trip would be the best for us. I had to take the last signs form our HOD Prof. Y. Nath and DRC chairman Prof. S. K. Gupta., I gave my Paper to our Ma’am (Sr. Superintendent and P.A. to HOD) she told me I will written this paper on 30th that was the exactly one day before the day of our journey, because of this I could not take the sign of the Hostel warden and Caretaker and could not submit my I card and Medical booklet that means I am not officially exited form IIT. This was again twist in story.  For Amol and Rohan, they have taken their signature well in advance. Finally I got the sign from my HOD and DRC chairman on 1st morning. I went to Hostel for my Caretakers sign and there was a big problem in my account. Due to their mistake my whole money after first semester they credited to guest account not in their main account this is showing that I haven’t paid any money after 1st semester. They could have get it transferred from their guest account to main account but no, they didn’t want to take any risk so straightly transferred money back to my account, (Rs. 30,000) and asked me to pay physically going in to the bank, and this whole shit was happened on 1st of July, the day I was leaving Delhi. I told same thing to Rohan, he came with me, as usual any IIT ATM machines were not working. So Rohan stood in queue and I went to withdraw money outside the IIT.  The withdrawing was easy but to pay in bank and that to SBI was only big blunder. Finally I paid and we went back to Hostel, I took the sign from caretaker, now I asked Santosh my Junior friend to take care of further exit activities as we had the train on 4.30 PM we left the Hostel’s packing all remaining thing  and   having last lunch at Hostel (Shivalik) at arround 3.05PM we are already late slightly so Amol came to me with Auto.  Santosh and Dadhish was there to help me to keep all my luggage in auto, and we started exit journey form corner of Shivalik hostel.
As Rohan had his desktop with him, security guard stopped the Auto for his Desktop’s gatepass. We were leaving in two auto’s as we had lot of luggage together. The hell security was checking his gate-pass for so long.
“Der ho rahi hai Guad Saab” Rohan
“Kiski sign hai ye ?” Guard
“Muze naam pata nahi inka but wo jo ganjese baithate haina un ki sign hai” Rohan
But still he could not recognize the sign, looked doubt fully to Rohan.
Meanwhile other guard called to security office to check the issuing of gatepass. There was no any copy of gate pass in that day record as it was taken 2 days before we leave. He asked him to go to Security office as I can’t recognize sign and trace the sign. We try to convince him but he was very particular on his duety. In between auto driver said that his auto was running out of gas please do it fast. Rohan asked us to leave the place and he himself went from main gate side of IIT as security office is at administrative block of the IIT. The story there I really can’t explain exactly because we left for NZM (Hazarat Nizauddin Railway Staion) that what we kept this station’s name from IRCTC web-site. But what I understand from Rohan was something like that..
The security officer checked whole file for the duplicate copy of the gate pass but he couldn’t find the copy. How could they find copy of gate pass in today’s file, as Rohan did the gate pass formality two days before. He explained him all but that security officer was not ready to listen single word from Roahn. He blamed Rohan that he has made the fake gate pass, and signed on it, also told him that you don't know the rule of gate-pass it should be of the same day you are leaving. He asked Rohan to keep his computer to security office and leave the IIT. After long heated argument he went back to hostel to start new formality of the gate pass, as he has to take the gate pass form security office on the same day when he was leaving. When he went back to the hostel the guard over there could recognize the sign, but not security officer this is the funniest thing of it.
We reached at NZM around 3.50 P.M. well in advance of train timing. Mean while I called to Rohan twice to know his status. I was praying for train to be late, so Rohan can comfortable reach at station, as he has not even left the IIT yet.  Rohan has done all formality and left the IIT around 4.05PM, at least 40 min are required to  reach NZM from IIT in auto, I was very sure we were gonna be miss the train due to this bloody bull shit IIT security.
Everything didn’t end here we still had to left the Delhi, Rohan has just left the IIT. I called Rohan. “Hay where are you?”
“I just left the IIT” .. Rohan.
It was almost 4.15 PM I asked Amol to go to the ticket counter and ask if any current booking is available of the Rajdhani express at least upto the Gujrat (Surat), and I was waiting at the luggage.
“Where you want to go? Sir” I will carry your luggage one coolie
“I was very up sate that we were gonna be miss the train.” So I said him nowhere.
Amol comeback from  with good news the tickets are available just need to pay the 1st class fair as only option available. I said we’ll wait for Rohan. And again I called Rohan
“Hay Rohan where are you?”
“Are Rikshetal Gas sampla”. Rohan
I asked him to leave the auto and come by any other auto, but auto driver was not ready to leave him. We wasted totally half an hour. It was 4.25 PM, I listened announcement of Garib rath train is leaving in 5 min from platform number 5. Now, only option to purchase the ticke of Rs. 9000 and reach to Surat by Rajdhani Express which is at 4.55 PM. The only thing is to wait for the Rohan.
Mean while I called to Sutar sir to enquire about the tickets form Surat to Mumbai. He had given me 2-3 options that tickets are available, but for that we had almost 2-3 phone calls. For second option I called Dipti also but she replied that she was in parking she will reach her place by 10-15 min. I had only option Priya, so I called her but she was in her uncle’s house, but still she replied  that afte 4.30 AM morning there are two trains. I said priya oK I will call you in few min. Again I asked Amol to confirm that tickets are available or not. He came back with answer that tickets are available upto Vadodara no Surat.Yet rohan is not reached to the NZM I asked Amol to call him I called Sutar sir again for tickets, but He could not find the station Vadodara as he was searching badodara. Almost 10 min lost in that. I called to Priya to search I gave her my bank account password to make transaction for ticket from Vadodara. Sutar sir called Rohan who was still on the way to the NZM asking about what to do with tickets. Rohan replied ask Rahul, he is planning for all. Sutar sir called me, and asked but how could I give you the tickets? Ohh yes that’s write. I immediately asked Priya to stop the transaction. Rohan reached at NZM only before 15-20 min Rajdhani depart time. I rushed towards ATM center at NZM, but here also bad luck followed the machine replied you have exceeded the daily transaction limit, and I remember I paid the hostel charges today only why there are limits to ATM cards. I called Priya to transfer money to Rohan’s account from my account, and asked Rohan to with draw Rs. 10,000 from account which is only option. He did it, just 10 min to go to depart the Rajdhani and Amol reached to ticket counter, The person behind replied, now tickets are not available.
Amol “Kaise, abhi to apane bataya ki tickets available  hai “
Person “ Wo baat ½ ghata pehele kahti abhi nahi”
                “Now train is about to depart.”
  Now, what to do?
Amol “Chal parat IIT madhe Jauya”
Rohan “Nahi ata IIT madhe nahi”
Me “Mag kontya hotel war rahuya ka?”
Finally we decided for flight tickets if the tickets are in budget.
I called again Dipti to chek if flight tickets are available in low cost. I know upto Mumbai fairs are little bit lesser that the Pune-Delhi She replied that one flight at 8.35 PM Indigo is for Rs. 2980. By that time Dadhish reached at Lab, so that I can ask him to book the tickets or  check the tickets, as Priya left the uncles house, and She needed some more time to reach her house. Dadhish also replied in same way. So finally we decided to book the flight, but I don’t have the money on my account as I have withdrawn Rs. 10,000 for Rajdhani express, So I asked Amol to give his banking password to Dadhish and make money transaction to my account and then purchase tickets and send us the booking PNR number. This was done by Dadhish, then we booked taxi to Delhi air port paying Rs 350.  We took the print out of the ticket and checked in all luggages. Now we are all relaxed, we had very expensive south Indian food there, then had Coffee at Coasta.  I mate Anant there on air-port my pune friend. He was leaving  Delhi on the same day and   3 days before he asked me to join him but I refused due money constrain. His flight was at 8.15 PM his expression was annn….!!!!!.Rahulya ithe….Mi sangitale hote na chal mazya barobar…..
Fortunately our flight was on time and we reached Mumbai also on time. But Mumbai weather was really bad. It was raining heavily. Due to bad weather  when we reached near Mumbai we experienced heavy jurk in flight first time of life. That was so heavy of almost 1-2 seconds wa like free fall. We all three really sacred of this Jurk. Some of passengers screamed also.  But that was very first experience.
At Mumbai either we had to go to Sukurwadi (Borivali) or Mumbai Central or Dadar for bus to either Pune or Miraj so I can leave the bus at Satara, but It was raining heavily and Rohan had Desktop we decide to go bye Cab to Mumbai. So, outside air-port all were asking about almost Rs.1800 but we paid Rs 1100 and reached pune at morning 4.00 AM. Amol wanted to get medical checkup done for company so he decided to leave at pune for that day, and we headed to Satara and Karad by Kolhapur bus. I reached Satara arround 7.30 AM morning. And Rohan at 10.30 AM in to Vita.
So that was our return journey from Delhi. Really all time memorable….


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Relationship Status….

Really..! I don’t know what need of that is..?, but it may help someone in this way…
Suddenly someday relationship status of my friend’s facebook friend changes to ‘In relationship’ from single…… but as she has not updated name so he has some hope…. To get it confirmed he commented
With whom…??
And her reply with like to his comment…..
Is it necessary to put in words my dear… :)
Now he doesn’t need any further confirmation for that… and they continued chat.. and again there was change in status of her was … Married….
To get it confirmed again… he commented…
Upload pics yaar… or Just add his name their….
Her reply was….
You know him yaar…
He: Ohhk… The one whom I saw on that day with you…. Yor boyfriend….
She: I really don’t know whom are you talking about…. Can u tell me month or date of day you saw me I can tell his name… but none of them yaar.. Its arranged with one of our family friends son..
He: Ohh…!
One thing, Many beautiful… ??? girls don’t wanna dirty noses to ping them??? Or to show them, I am busy with someone nosey..??? and rather they think all boys are there to ping them only… so they make their relationship ‘In relation’ but don’t take a risk to make it ‘Engaged ‘they really fear that if it is so then pings may gone down to zero, which counts one or two at least…. and if it is single their friends there to make them jealous making status ‘Engaged’ with So…. …. So…
Ahhh…. If u comments on any such profiles status update… then surely u gets replies …
She: :) or hmmm , or… only Like to ur comment or No commet….
Mean.. waiting for someone’s comment… why are u making noise hear nosy.. X-(or its just to show friends as status symbol…. That so many comments and likes….. jealousy may drives them so mad that I doubt they make fake profiles to comment on self status…. (my exaggerated??? View)
The one who is really engaged don’t lose the chance to be single on facebook… rahter they never lose the chance… keeping their Status single… controversy…
I read good stuff on as comment on someone’s photo… One boy has commented
Facebook should provide multiple like facility I have clicked all buttons and created few more and clicked it…. :)
Same boy commented on another girls photo
I have rated it to Infinity like if facebook provide facility to make so…
And reply to both comments was same….
Someone has rated me to infinity in reality... you need not have to take so many efforts on facebook you must have checked my relationship status before that...
And really interesting thing was all comments were copied from their friend wall including girls comment….
Funny thing my friend one day updated…
“Had tequila shots in bar first time ….. :)“
Some girls comment probably she is his girlfriend….with his like….
“My baby is now grown up…!”
A very good friend of him commented…..
“The should be ‘Had tequila shots in bar first with gf ….. :)’“
The next comment by same girl….
“Dislike dislike…. Who the hell is with you??”
Friend … “No one my friend…”
Girl….” Liar liar x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( x-( XXXX…. Hell….”
Boy… Really... my dear.. no one is with me…..”
My friends relationship status has gone down to (gone up to) ‘Single’ from engaged…. And her.. ‘In relationship’ from engaged… and no need to tell that she has put him out of friend list…..
After someday her status was… “Married…” with So….. …… So
And I found my friend in bar with his dear friend who promote him to single form engaged with express shots…..
I read 'married' relationship status almost 6 months after attending marriage party... I am not surprised by update but the duration he need to realize that he is married....
One more interesting thing I saw... one of girls status of face book was in relationship but after considerable long duration she add name ......so .......... so really funny interesting thing is that almost 4-6 months are needed to know 'whom she is in relationship with....' strange.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Memoirs of a lost world .....

The driver had slowed down the car in front of a two storey building, which stood in isolation after a U turn from the main road. However, there was a lot of green around the place and a large part of the building remained hidden behind that. The building was not a huge one, it almost resembled a large house instead of a guest house from outside and the “good caretakers” were taking all the time of the world to open the main gate.
Having received no response to the honking of the horn, the Nazir got down from the car and opened the front gate and the car slowly crawled on the semicircular path between the entrance and the exit gates.
A sleepy looking creature opened the door of the house as Rahul entered the drawing room along with the Nazir and car driver.
‘Bishu, saub theek aachhe to?’ Nazir asked the caretaker if everything was fine.
‘Ghaar kaun taa diyecho Sahib ke?’ was the next question as to which room had been allotted to Rahul.
The caretaker told that it was room number 3 on the first floor. The next room was allotted to a Secretary who was to come in the evening.
The Nazir was all praise for the building, ‘Sir, this building was to be the residence of the CEO, but he did not come to stay here, So it is used as a guest house- newly built, all new furniture, gates and fittings in perfect shape, neat and clean mirrors……’
The building almost fitted the bill, but something was missing. That was for sure but somehow Rahul could not catch it, so he asked, ‘Why did the CEO not come to stay here?’
‘Sir, this is a lonely haunted place, CEO is a family man and so he did not come here. There is no shop in the vicinity, no store; you don’t even get fish and vegetables here. Hardly anyone stays here so there is no functional kitchen in this building’, he informed.
The middle aged man with his teeth all red and decayed by chewing tobacco smiled pleasantly in anticipation of what impact ‘no functional kitchen’ would have on Rahul, who preferred to stay quite since he was not sure what impact that would have on him.
As the care taker served the tea to Rahul, he murmured in Rahul’s ear, ‘Sir, Please tell the Nazir babu to get the dinner sent here as there is no hotel or transport around this place. At night it is even scary to go out’.
That was worrisome, so Rahul asked ‘Nazir Babu, how do the guests get the meals here?’
‘Sir, this boy Bishu is very hard working. He will get you whatever you ask him- meals, snacks, bisleri, wine’, Nazir Babu again gave a naughty smile, for he had forsaken any task which could have come his way while Bishu looked in despair towards Rahul.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Genius...

It was sunny morning of Jan-2004, very first result of engineering life. We all were sitting in hostel discussing all about break after heavy university exams… and suddenly Rohan’s mobile started disturbing us and call was about our result were displayed on web...Obviously this was more disturbing than the mobile ring in discussion…..
My friend Amol’s reply was “ Shittt…..Not again…….!!!”
We all rushed towards internet café with excitement and tension ….. we got an un expected results… 8 of us could not pass exam like many of them result was ATKT, All were in tension, came back to the hostel and sitting empty mind thinking how to face parents, Someone found add in newspaper that there was Air-force Job fair at Solapur and we were at Jaisingpur…..Suddenly wrestler of our team Umesh said using his supreme brain which is actually not and adding some sentiments too….
”Why don’t we join the Airforce, any ways we could not pass engineering atleast we’ll join and start earning……” finally many of us got ready after a long debate on the topic.
But how to go to Solapur with least cost was only question, Someone got information that there a train from Miraj near to Jainsingpur to Pandharpur near to Solapur at only cost of Rs. 16 which is very less even less than morning breakfast which seems to be bearable to all of my friends…….
The event was after 2 days so they planned accordingly that start by Train on next day night we’ ll reach Pandharpur early in the morning and then Solapur by 10.00 am was the plan…. The only mistake they made was the Train runs every week on Narrow Gauge track and they went to main Railway Station Miraj Jn. (Broad Gauge)… and here starts actual fun…
One of them stand into queue for ticket, and again wrestler asks to some Military man
“Excuse me Sir, What is timing of train to Pandharpur?” as there is, no broad gauge track to Pandharpur he stared laughing and replied,
"You have to go bye Road"..
"Sir, Actually we want to go to Solapur... and someone told us about train to Pandharpur"...Wrestler
Man replied....
“You need to go to Pune and then in the morning you can directly go to Solapur, here is train Just leaving take ticket and go to Pune….”
Pune is approx 300 Kms away on opposite direction of Solapur, but instead of going by Road to Solapur in 2-3hrs they choose rail journey which is of 10-11 hrs to save money…..
(For Readers I have attached the map of Maharashtra with the blog , Just Have a look and have a fun...)
He immediately passed the message to other friends and purchased ticket of General Bogie to Pune and started in Sleeper Bogie….towards Pune … Raju who is the most shy and timid guy of group said
“If TC comes then….???
“ Don’t worry my friend TC will come after Pune, take rest or prepare for exam.” Said Wrestler
And suddenly TC appears “Tickets Please….!” You can Just Imagine faces of my friends….
“Uncle Please adjust we all are students, we catch train in hurry please do something …” by Raju
“No no… You have to pay fine”….TC
“Can we do some settlement”…. Wrestler
after no use of long heated argument TC finned them twice ticket of Sleeper Bogie….
When they reached Pune wrestler used his supreme brain again and convinced to not to pay for ticket to Solapur
“We can easily escape from station, there is no rigorous checking on Solapur station… no one will catch, And already we paid lot to railway….”
All were convinced except Raju.
"I am going to buy tickets, I don't want to pay fine again."...Raju
“You Shy, fearful“ started teasing all…!
And finally they reached to Solapur at 9.45 am and event timing was 10.30 am. Wrestler was heading team proud fully that we reached Solapur without ticket and Raju fearful guy wasted his money…..
He was just to leave the train,TC came to check ticket, now its turn to Raju to be proud of… his wise decision and not listen the Wrestler….
all other had to pay fine more than the ticket….
Due to all this they reached event spot bit late at 10.45 am and the officer there was not allowing them to in… after long discussion and explanation and excuse they were allowed.
But the one who found the ad in news paper and the one due to whom they all paid almost four times the charges they travelled the wrestler were not allowed due to age limit which was clearly mentioned in ad in News Paper, remaining all came out in 1st and 2nd round and Raju ran away during the round of cross country. Finally they even don’t have money to pay and have food and not to come back to Jaisingpur … They borrowed the money from friend’s friend studying there in Solapur…. and came back to Jaisingpur and returned money by money order…..
Still Raju has the acknowledgement of money order whenever we find it we started laughing by remembering the story.….

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vicks Looses Smell......

It was November 2007, we all GET's from mahindra Vikram, Shivraj, Shailesh, and Sushant and Me were sitting together discussing about the company matters, how induction days were better than the on Job and how our new dept's are and all blaha blaha.......
I had cold that day and my room mate was having headache because of the cold weather outside… to be very frank it was not because cold outside company....because the workload inside company, we all were under the impression that we are not having any thing with us which falls in the category of “Company reliefs and pain killers”.

After a dedicated search in our room my room mate found out one vicks bottle which was lying in his cupboard. With a sigh of relief that he had got something which could relieve his pain, he sat on the bed and applied the vicks on his head. After about 15 mins of massage he started feeling better. And at this point of time I came into picture… I asked him for the vicks bottle so that I can also get some warmth in the cold I was suffering from….. .As soon as I opened the bottle and took it near my nose there was no sign of that pungent-sharp lemon-honey menthol-eucalyptus mixed odor which is a Vicks patient. I was sitting there with my mouth open as to how can vicks lose its smell?? And all the guys sitting there smelled it one by one amazed over the fact that Vicks has no smell…
And then my dearest friend who introduced that bottle to us recollected that, it was his mummy’s or granny’s bottle which he had used to fill in VASELINE after the vicks got over!!
And then the room was full of laughter for next I don’t know how much time…. :)